Getting your Real Estate Technology IN Order
As we all know in business, planning is everything! Ye you fails to plan, plans to fail! It happens everyday in small businesses. As a Realtor, technology is in constant change; one day it new technology, by the end of the month or the quarter, its not! So we know you build a “Business Plan”? Maybe that’s a large assumption? Well let’s make a technology plan that can aid in the efficiencies of running my real estate business. Step one, you cannot know everything that’s out there in the marketplace without going to technology courses throughout the month. Attending ANY technology class can and will be beneficial. Understanding that no matter how many years that you’ve been in the real estate market, technology evolves; if you don’t evolve with it, it will leave you behind! More important, your clients are looking for Realtors who embrace technology! This makes the clients job easier, because they now rely on their agent for everything in the buying or selling process! Rule, Take Technology Classes and absorb as much NEW content and Implement as quickly as possible!