Comprehensive On-Going Social Media Posting
You know that sticking to a schedule is important for your business.
It helps you get through your never-ending To Do list and keeps everything running smoothly.
The same is true when it comes to your social media marketing. Creating a social media schedule is the best way to stay on top of your social media marketing.
How can you create a social media posting schedule for your business?
Understand which networks are right for your business
With almost two billion unique monthly users, Facebook is a good starting place for many businesses.
But, depending on the audience you’re trying to reach, there are lots of other great networks to choose from — including Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, or Instagram
Remember, you don’t have to be on every network. Start by building a presence on a couple that is a good fit for your business.
Now you need to decide how you want to divide your time.
Don’t think you need to post new updates on each network every day. You don’t!
Social media is about quality, not quantity. This is true when it comes to the size of your audience, and is also true when it comes to the amount of content you share.
Type of Content you’ll Want to Share
Once you know which social networks you want to use for your business, the next step is to create a content plan.
Don’t jam-pack your schedule with promotional posts. Remember that your goal on social media should be to grow relationships and build an audience for your business. It’s not to turn every new fan, follower, and connection into a paying customer.
Consider the purpose of each social network and what you want to accomplish by using them. Your small business might choose Facebook as the place to share news, blog posts, and how-to videos to help educate your audience. You might use LinkedIn to establish your expertise and show your company culture.
The above steps should give you a “Guideline” when dealing with on-going Social Media Posting. By “HIRING NTS DESIGNS” we take the Guessing out of the equation.
We Post Consistently on the Major Social Platforms like Facebook Business Page, Google + Business Page, Twitter, LinkedIn and Blogging Pages alike. Each of these Social Platforms has a different strategy behind them, each is executed with consistency and daily or weekly “Call to Actions”.
Get In Touch
Whether you are looking to start a new project or need professional assistance in furthering it, we’d love to hear from you.